
Published on:

22nd Feb 2022

Fight Club (1999)

It took us 20+ years but we finally got around to seeing Fight Club for the very first time. Did this seminal film hit us in the same way as it did for millions in 1999? Were we able to see how this film became a cultural phenomenon? Or how it lapsed into the ultimate "filmbro" standard?

Starring Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Helena Bonham Carter, and Meatloaf. Directed by David Fincher.

Let's go ahead and break the first two rules, shall we?

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About the Podcast

Film Code
Dissecting Film One Word At A Time
Film Code is a podcast dedicated to movies and entertainment. Each week, the members of the Cleveland Film Critics Society (Phoenix, Brandon, and Zach) will dissect, analyze, review, and appreciate cinema one word at a time.

Twitter: @FilmCodePod
Phoenix: @IMHOReviews1
Brandon: @FantasmicEars
Zach: @zachsneath

It's gonna be 'CODEWORD': Awesome.

About your host

Profile picture for Phoenix Clouden

Phoenix Clouden

Hi, I'm Phoenix is
I'm an entertainment writer and film blogger. I'm also one of the founding members of the Cleveland Film Critics Society. A father of two with goals of eventually becoming a filmmaker myself. I'm also obsessed with musical theater.